Monday, 13 June 2011

The Uses Of Water Conversation Tools


Toilet Leak Detection Tablets
The toilet leak detection tablets are used to detect if there is a toilet leak.If the toilet is leaking, people will be able to repair it and water will be conserved.

Toilet Fill Cycle Diverter
The Fill Cycle Diverter directs more water to the tank and less to the bowl during refill.The goal is for the tank and bowl to finish filling in the same amount of time.Estimated savings are ½ gallon per flush

Toilet Tank Bank 
The Toilet Tank Bank helps toilets that use 3.5, 5, or more gallons per flush to be more efficient. The bag takes up space in your tank, so that less water is needed to refill the tank after each flush. Estimated savings are ½ gallon per flush.

Bathroom Faucet Aerator 
The current plumbing code for residential bathroom faucets is a flow rate of 2.5 gallons per minute (gpm). By installing this high-efficiency aerator, you can cut your water use to 1.0 gpm.

Kitchen Faucet Aerator 
The current plumbing code for residential kitchen faucets is a flow rate of 2.5 gallons per minute (gpm). By installing this low-flow aerator, you can cut your water use to 1.5 gpm.

High-Efficiency Showerhead
The current plumbing code for showerheads is a flow rate of 2.5 gallons per minute (gpm). This high-efficiency model uses only 1.5 gpm and still delivers good pressure.

5-Minute Shower Timer
This timer suctions on to your shower wall, and when all the sand has run through, time’s up!

Home Water Audit Kit
The kit contains tools to help you determine how much water your current toilet, showerhead, kitchen and bathroom faucets use, and whether installing new, high-efficiency fixtures would help you save water and money. Kit contains a flow bag, drip gauge, toilet leak detection tablets, and a toilet tape measure.

Watering Gauges 
Use these gauges to measure total rainfall and/or sprinkler output. Place the gauges in an area that you regularly water so it will collect all water, whether from rainfall or irrigation.